The final will be just like the midterm--it will consists of T/F, multiple choice, and short answer questions. Use all materials to study--
- your notes
- blog posts
- readings
- quizzes
March 26 The Self (Prof. Howell): Descartes, "I think therefore I am"; thoughts about the self are "pathological"--they mess you up; mirror tests don't prove self-awareness; doubts about DeGrazia's desire argument
March 28 Self Awareness: DeGrazia's report card; mirror tests; episodic memory (past); episodic memory; (future); self-monitoring
April 4 Can animals think? (1) Descartes--animals can't think at all; animals solving novel problems; the vehicles of representation; Chalmers, extended mind; spider webs as "mind outside the head"
April 6 Can animals think? (2): What is thinking/not thinking?; scientific debate; do animals have beliefs and desires?; Steven Stich--why animals have beliefs; Steven Stich--why animals don't have beliefs.
April 11 Social Skills: knowledge of social status (baboons, Cheney & Seyfarth); vocalizations as communication vs. language; imitation in monkeys (Wynne); do animals have theory of mind?; do they have culture?
April 13 Do animals have theory of mind?: Premack and Woodruff (1978); alternative hypotheses; false belief experiments in children and apes; do apes understand seeing?; apes vs. dogs
April 18 Morality in Animals: theory of mind recap; Frans DeWaal on empathy in animals; video: cooperation, empathy, reciprocity, fairness
April 20 Animal Minds, Human Ethics: Frans DeWaal & social contract view; Wise and the NonHuman Rights Project; Liberty for Elephants Argument (Wise); rights elitism
April 25 Animal Minds, Human Ethics: Overview; Singer on equal consideration; insects and extermination; utilitarianism; rights approaches; political categories
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